Kist Livestock News

9/21/2022 Regular Sale – 2313 Cattle Sold

KIST  LIVESTOCK  AUCTION                                 UP-COMONG  SALES Wednesday, September 28th----Regular Sale along with Yearling Special.. Friday, September 30th----Goat Sale followed by Sheep Sale followed by  LAST  Horse Sale for this year. Wednesday, October...

9/7/2022 Regular Sale – 679 Cattle Sold

                    KIST  LIVESTOCK  AUCTION                                 UP-COMONG  SALES   Wednesday, September 28th----Regular Sale along with Yearling Special..         Friday, September 30th----Goat Sale followed by Sheep Sale followed by  LAST  Horse Sale for...

8/31/2022 Regular Sale – 679 Cattle Sold

     KIST  LIVESTOCK  AUCTION                                 UP-COMONG  SALES Wednesday, September 7th----Regular Sale along with Yearling Special.. Wednesday, September 14th----NO  SALE--Prepping for Hermanson/Kist Horse Sale. Thursday, Friday,& Saturday,...

8/3/2022 Regular Sale – 214 Cattle Sold

  KIST  LIVESTOCK  AUCTION                                 UP-COMONG  SALES Wednesday, August 10th ----Regular Feeder & Weigh Up Sale. Wednesday, August 17th----Regular Feeder & Weigh Up Sale. Friday, August 19th----Goat Sale followed by Sheep Sale followed by...

7/27/2022 Regular Sale – 356 Cattle Sold

KIST  LIVESTOCK  AUCTION                                 UP-COMONG  SALES Wednesday, August 3rd----Regular Feeder & Weigh Up Sale. Wednesday, August 10th ----Regular Feeder & Weigh Up Sale. Wednesday, August 17th----Regular Feeder & Weigh Up Sale. Friday,...

7/13/2022 Regular Sale – 657 Cattle Sold

  KIST  LIVESTOCK  AUCTION                                 UP-COMONG  SALES Wednesday, July 20th----Regular Feeder and Weigh Up Sale. Friday, July 22nd----Goat and Sheep Sale.  Have your goats here by 9:30 as sale starts at 10:00. Friday, July 27th----Regular Feeder...

6/29/2022 Regular Sale – 1109 Cattle Sold

  KIST  LIVESTOCK  AUCTION                                 UP-COMONG  SALES Wednesday, July 6th----NO  SALE--Happy 4th of July week Wednesday, July 13th----Reguler Feeder and Weigh Up Sale. Wednesday, July 20th----Regular Feeder and Weigh Up Sale. Friday, July...